Drivers issued with a DQC in 2019, between them need to attend a staggering 17 million hours of periodic training to renew their card in 2024. On average, that's 3.4 million hours of training each year, for five years.
Whilst the DVSA advises that drivers should each attend seven hours of periodic training per year, the fallout from Brexit and increased demand for drivers, along with the suspension of in-person training during the pandemic meant that this was almost impossible to achieve in 2020 and 2021. The number of periodic training hours fell to record lows and did not return to pre-pandemic levels until 2022.
Still faced with driver shortage, this now leaves many transport operators with the dilemma of having to release drivers over the next 18 months to attend additional periodic training in order to renew their DQC on time.
James Swaffield, Managing Director for TTC Group commented: "While the uptake of our periodic training courses remains steady, we are aware that there is a groundswell of drivers who need to complete their training before the end of next year.
"There is a significant business risk for organisations for whom a large number of their drivers' CPC expires in 2024. Our own customer data shows that 61% of DQC holders currently registered with our Driver Risk Management platform, Continuum, will expire in 2024."
Do you know what percentage of your vocational driver workforce have DQC cards due to expire in 2024, and the number of hours of training outstanding for each driver?
GB drivers can check their CPC periodic training record online via the DVSA and give temporary access to their employer.
To meet the needs of operators and drivers who now require 'catch-up' periodic training, UK leading road safety training provider, TTC Group, offers weekday and weekend online periodic training courses, across a range of subjects for £49.99 per driver (inc. VAT and DVSA registration fees).
Any fleet operator or driver with questions about Driver CPC periodic training should contact TTC Group.