The Code of Conduct demonstrate to clients, consumers and the public the high standards that IAEA professionals work to and have a responsibility to maintain continuing professional development

to ensure that they are aware of the latest developments in vehicle construction and technology and motor insurance contracts and legislation.

Conduct of members

Every grade and member of the Institute shall so order his conduct to abide by the rules of conduct of the Institute as from time to time in force and varied by the Council and shall, in whatever capacity he may be engaged, act in a strictly fiduciary and professional manner towards clients and employers, towards others with whom his work is connected and towards other members.

Rules of conduct

The following Rules of Conduct are laid down to govern the professional conduct of members:

  1. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall act with due skill, care and diligence and with proper regard for professional standards and treat all persons fairly and with respect.
  2. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall act in such a way as to prevent any avoidable danger to health or safety, and to prevent any avoidable risk to both physical and cyber security.
  3. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall act in accordance with the principles of sustainability, and prevent avoidable adverse impact on the environment and society.
  4. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall be permitted to advertise his services only within the limits approved by Council. The advertising must be in good taste and not of such a character as may reasonably be regarded as likely to bring the profession into disrepute.
  5. No member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall misrepresent himself in any claim to, material use or publication of, a grade to which he is not entitled, or which he has not yet been granted.
  6. No member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall receive directly or indirectly any gratuity, discount or trade commission in connection with his professional work and his charges to his client shall be his only remuneration in connection with such work.
  7. The relationship between a member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, and his client or clients shall at all times be strictly fiduciary and he shall not discuss with any third party the details of his instructions or of any document without the consent of his client.
  8. No member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall pass on his principal's instructions to another member without first seeking his principal's approval unless the other member is employed within the same organisation.
  9. No member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall issue a report over his own signature unless the report identifies the inspecting engineer.
  10. No member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall accept instructions on the basis that no charge will be made unless a successful result is achieved.
  11. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall reject bribery and all forms of corrupt behaviour, and make positive efforts to ensure others do likewise.
  12. No member shall by commission or in any other way make any payment for the introduction of work.
  13. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall avoid where possible real or perceived conflict of interest and advise affected parties when such conflicts arise.
  14. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall at all times conduct himself in such a manner as not to prejudice in any w ay the interests of the Institute or its members or his position as a member thereof or in such a manner as not to bring the Institute into disrepute.
  15. Any member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, must not in any circumstances appear on behalf of The Institute or indicate in any way that they are appearing on behalf of The Institute on any radio, television or public broadcasting system or any other means for communication information to the public or to any meeting which has not been convened by the Council of The Institute or of any committee thereof inferring he is speaking on behalf of The Institute unless he has obtained prior permission in writing from the Secretary of The Institute.
  16. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall maintain and enhance their competence through regular CPD, encourage others to advance their learning and competence and undertake only professional tasks for which they are competent, and disclose relevant limitations of competence.
  17. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall notify the Institute if convicted of a criminal offence, or upon becoming bankrupt or disqualified as a Company Director.
  18. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, shall assess their relevant liability, and if appropriate hold professional indemnity insurance, (only members who have appropriate professional indemnity insurance will be published on the "find an engineer" website).
  19. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, has a duty to raise a concern about a danger, risk, malpractice or wrongdoing which affects others, and support a colleague or any other person to whom you have a duty of care who in good faith raises any such concern.
  20. A member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, has a duty to notify the Institute of any significant violation of the Institutes Rules of Conduct by another member.
  21. Any member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, who acts outside of these Rules, or who is convicted of a criminal offence, which calls into disrepute his integrity, will be withdrawn from the membership register. Notice will be given of withdrawal and representations against such withdrawal may be made in writing.
  22. The Council of the Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors alone shall determine whether or not a breach of these rules has been committed.


If any Corporate or Non-Corporate member of any grade shall refuse or wilfully neglect to comply with any of the Articles or shall have been guilty of such conduct as in the opinion of the Council either shall have rendered him unfit to remain a member of the Institute or shall be injurious to the Institute, such member of the Institute, irrespective of grade, may by a resolution of the Council be expelled from that grade of membership, provided that he shall have been given notice of the intended resolution for his expulsion and shall have been afforded an opportunity of giving orally to a committee of the Council, or in writing to the Council any explanation or defence he may think fit. The name and recorded address of a member expelled under this Article shall be published in such manner as the Council may decide