Thatcham Training Academy and Technical University Dublin (TUD) facilitate delivery of the Institute's practical examination in conjunction with the IAEA.
Dates are routinely offered throughout the year, details can be obtained and bookings made direct via the Thatcham Training Sales Team or TUD.
Candidates are required to complete two physical vehicle assessments using escribe to include:
- The identification and recording of the full vehicle specification
- Complete and record essential safety checks (tyres brakes steering etc)
- Compile a safe detailed method of repair, including total hours, parts costs, paint and material costs
- Calculate the vehicle's pre-accident valuation (using GlassNet)
- Apply a correct ABI salvage category (if applicable)
- Complete a salvage categorisation exercise
Candidates will also be required to complete one image supported vehicle assessment.
For the image based assessment: candidates will be provided with a pre-prepared and fully costed vehicle repair specification including supporting vehicle images.
Candidates will be required, using escribe and GlassNet, to review the content of the assessment for accuracy of the quoted:
- Vehicle description
- Equipment level and safety features
- Repair method and costings, with an emphasis on agreeing a safe method of repair
- Vehicle valuation
- If required, an ABI salvage categorisation
The candidates will be required to identify any errors in the prepared assessment and report to their principals, making reference to any changes or additional operations they would require before recommending acceptance of the submitted assessment.
The candidate's report should include comments on the accuracy of the vehicle's description, equipment levels, suitability of the repair method, labour and parts costings, along with the vehicle's indicated valuation.
Institute Proof of Competence card
The practical examination is an essential module towards the issue to a candidate of an Institute Proof of Competence Card, which is recognised by the British Standards Institution (BSI) as compliant with BS10125 requirements. The card remains valid for a period of five years from the completion of the practical examination. BSI exempts members or Associates who hold an Institute Proof of Competence Card from the requirement to hold an ATA VDA.
After the five year period in order to qualify for a re-issue of the Institute Proof of Competence Card, Associates or members will be required to take a re–accreditation exam to maintain their proof of competence.