Non-compliant buses, coaches and HGVs that predate Euro 6 standards will be charged £50 per day, while non-compliant taxi and private hire vehicles that do not meet Euro 4 standards will be charged £12.50 per day.
Private cars are not affected by the CAZ and do not have to pay any charges.
Non-compliant vans will have to pay £12.50 per day from July.
The zone covers most of Newcastle city centre as well as routes across the Tyne, Swing, High Level and Redheugh bridges.
Road signs with the Clean Air logo mark all the entrances to the CAZ and further signs are in place in all directions.
Drivers of non-compliant vehicles who enter the CAZ will not be sent a notification reminding them to pay, instead, drivers will be asked to check if their vehicle is affected and if they are required to pay to do so online or over the telephone.
Payments can be made any time from six days before a journey, on the day of travel or on the sixth day after driving in the zone. If a charge is not paid drivers may receive a penalty charge notice (PCN).
Cllr Jane Byrne, cabinet member for a connected, clean city at Newcastle City Council, said: "Responsibility for paying a CAZ charge rests with you so it's really important to check whether your vehicle is compliant and whether your route is within the zone."