Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors Benevolent Fund
About the Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors Benevolent Fund
The Benevolent Fund was established in 1963 as trust fund to support present and past Members or their dependants. Support is available to those suffering financial hardship or the effects of poor health or misfortune.
The fund is managed by five Trustees who all provide their time on a voluntary basis and is financed by voluntary contributions added to annual membership subscriptions by Associate, Members and Fellow grade members. There are also adhoc donations received from the regions and personal bequeaths made to the fund.
Who can the Benevolent Fund assist?
You can apply for support if you meet the following criteria:
- Current Associate, Member or Fellow grade member of the Institute.
- Past Associate, Member or Fellow grade member of the Institute.
- Dependant of a current or past Associate, Member or Fellow grade member of the Institute.
And you have:
- Restricted financial means due to income or capital
- Experienced or are experiencing hardship or restrictions due to illness.
- Suffered an element of misfortune which may not be related to illness.
How can I apply for assistance?
Applications can either be made using the form (link below) or by sending an email to the trustees.
All applications are handled in completed confidence by the trustees.
Can I apply on behalf of another member?
Yes, the initial enquiry does not need to be made by the Member themselves. If an application is made on behalf of another member (or their dependant) the enquiries are dealt with discreetly and the potential beneficiary will not be contacted without your consent.