The focus for deliverables in 2023-2025 are summarised below:

DeliverableStrategic ObjectiveActivity
Market EngagementEngagementAttendance and participation at key market events by council and its nominated delegates.
  Strengthening of relationships and the profile of the IAEA within markets such as salvage and bodyshops, using our new links with ITAS and forging links with other industry bodies.
  Strengthen and future proof our AQP examination for recertification programme in line with the needs and standard as set out by the ABI.
CPD (mycareerpath)KnowledgeFurther enhance our CPD offering with the use of manufacturer and specialist sources.
Website and Member areaAccessibleRevise our member website to allow better access to reach members, update levels of competancy, automate membership tasks, CPD and links with the wider market such as FIEA
Micorosoft 365AgileA full redeployment of technical organsiational managent based on a secure online presence.
CouncilAgileEnhance our Council offering with the introduction of a Training programme manager, and at a later date a Chief Operating office (non exec), who will support council to deliver greater impact on the market and continue its growth and relevance.
Online learningKnowledgeOnline learning expanded to outer regions with greater content and benefit.
Conference 2020KnowledgeIAEA awards for 2025 review considering a dinner dance - region tbc
Update study text for the written modules.EducationEduction revamp for online modules and learning material with an update to routes of membership under review. Define new training and eduction for emerging technologies and needs for our member skill sets to meet new demand.
Increase success rate and engagement with studentsEducation & AccessibleDevelop a plan for the support and deliver of the Institutes qualifications which maintains the market position as the provider of the qualification of choice for vehicle damage assessment using cutting edge technology and partner support.
Future proofingKnowledgeBring new talent to council for next generation of Assessor by means of committee involvement, Award winners and specialist interest.